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We are The Crutchers.  We're both retired and now spend our days tinkering around our "gentleman's farm" and having fun with our DDB.

Deana is a current Director on the Board of the  DDBSA (Dogue de Bordeaux Society of America). She is also the Chairman of the CHIC, Health & Longevity, and Sunshine committees.


We invite you to learn more about us and our program below.

Our Mission Statement

November 11, 2010


It is our Mission to stay true to  the Original European style Dogue de Bordeaux.  These dogues are low, wide and heavy of bone, they should have clean almond shaped eyes, open nostrils and large heads.  When in motion they should have full reach and appear to "lope like a lion".  The Dogue de Bordeaux is a working dog and should be able to perform as such.  His frame should be muscular and powerful, his movement smooth and his attitude "aloof" this is the true to type DDB.

Our Goals

August 21, 2014

 Everyone familiar with the Dogue de Bordeaux is especially aware of the short life span of this magnificent breed. Four to Six years on average is just NOT enough time with these soulful creatures. Our Goal is to expand the longevity of our lines.  In an effort to improve upon our longevity we have imported, and will be only breeding to, dogs with better than average, proven lifespans ranging from 7-13 years.

Because the health of the breed is our greatest concern we have committed to not only doing all health testing recommended by our Parent Club, the DDBSA, but we also go beyond that by performing Embark genetic testing on all of our breeding stock.  We also have joined the AKC Bred with H.E.A.R.T program and the AKC Canine Health Foundation.

What Makes Us Tick

May 1, 2016

A brief history of GingerHaus DDB.  I first fell in love with this breed, like most people, when I saw the movie Turner & Hooch starring Tom Hanks back in the late 1980s.  The powerful look, the intelligence, the loyalty all inspired me to find out what this breed was all about.  Back in the olden days, when I was young, there was no internet, so everything was researched through your local library...and the hunt was on.  What I discovered was that finding a Dogue De Bordeaux in the USA was pretty much equivalent to Mission Impossible and so I put my dream on the back burner.  In the meanwhile, I owned Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, GSD, Pomeranians, Pekingese, Toy poodles, many a rescue and even several Persian cats.  It took almost 20 years for me to buy my first DDB.  And Oh, what a Dogue...Mr. Bogey-Mahn came from some of the world's greatest lines, this was not by accident, I was very intentional on what bloodlines I wanted. It took two more years for me to find the right bitch to pair him with and four more years for me to have my first litter.  I have done this all in a very methodical fashion, with intent through each step to only breed the best of the best, health tested and proper dogues. We have vowed to only breed when it will result in an improvement.  We do not breed often here at GingerHaus, and we are very proud of our litters.  We have been told by some of our puppy families that our motto should be "When only the best will do..." and we concur.  Our babies are hand raised, as part of our family, in our home, not in a garage or outdoor kennel, they are reared using the BioSensor Super Dog protocol and desensitization techniques, so that they are mentally and physically more adaptable to changes in their environment.  We are responsible for bringing these little souls into this world and we take that responsibility seriously. We are very fortunate to have the love of these wonderful creatures...and once you have Bordeaux love, there is no turning back.

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